Volume: 82 Issue: 4, 10/31/24

Year: 2024

Research Article

Kitap İncelemesi

Hakemsiz Makaleler

Publishing academic and professional law articles.

Theoretical and practical studies on legal issues are published.


1. The writing language is Turkish and English. Manuscripts submitted to the journal are proofread by the Editors/Assistant Editors. The spelling, punctuation and abbreviations in Turkish articles are based on the latest edition of the TDK Spelling Guide.

2. Articles to be submitted to the Journal of the Ankara Bar Association should be in “Microsoft Word” program (.doc or .docx format), A4 page layout should be normal, page structure; 2.5 cm from the top, 2.5 cm from the bottom, 2.5 cm from the left, 2.5 cm from the right, binding margin 0, header 1.25 cm, footer 1.25 cm. Page numbers should be shown at the bottom center.

3. Font should be Times New Roman, 12 pt, normal style; line spacing should be 1.5 and then 6 pt. Footnotes should be in Times New Roman, 10 pt, line spacing 1. Main text and footnotes should be justified.

4. Turkish and English abstracts (not exceeding 400 words in total); the title of the article in both languages and five keywords should be added at the beginning of the article.
The order should be Turkish Title > Abstract > Keywords > English Title > Abstract > Keywords.
If the article is submitted in English; English Title > Abstract > Keywords > Turkish Title of the Article > Abstract > Keywords.

5. Titling cannot exceed 5 levels (3 levels is recommended). Titling should be done as follows:

1- Third Level Subheading Only First Letters Capitalized and Bold
a) Fourth Level Subheading Only First Letters Capitalized and Bold
i. Bottom Title Only First Letters Capitalized, Bold and Italicized (Please do not use unless necessary)

6. Citations are not shown in the text. The footnote number in the text must be given before the punctuation marks.

7. Citations and bibliography are based on the Turkish Legal Citation System (TÜHAS). The details of this system can be found on the website (https://www.tuhas.com.tr/).
In order to create a standard in the citation examples of all different types of writings such as books, edited books, e-books, translated books, book chapters, journal articles, papers, reports, reports, encyclopedia articles, book introductions, theses, newspaper articles, interviews, web content, blog posts, etc. and in the use of legislation, court decisions, abbreviations and punctuation marks; please follow the TÜHAS system sensitively. 

Manuscripts that do not comply with the Jıournal of Ankara Bar Association Publication Principles will be rejected immediately after a preliminary acceptability review by the Editor due to the requirements of the TÜBİTAK - ULAKBİM database. Therefore, refereed or non-refereed articles to be submitted must meet all the requirements of the above principles in form and substance.

Submission and publication of articles to the Journal of Ankara Bar Association is free of charge.
No royalties are paid for published articles.

Journal of Ankara Bar Association adopts the Turkish Legal Citation System (TÜHAS) citation system.